Pigmented Lesions/Freckles

Laser treatment for Pigmented lesions/Freckles Park Ridge

The skin is our largest and most visible organ and here in Queensland pigmentation is a huge problem. Age spots, freckles, melasma and various birth marks are commonly referred to as pigmentation. In fact most people you know, regardless of age and sex, have problems with skin pigmentation.

We can easily lessen the appearance of skin pigmentation these days with a multitude of treatments such as Laser as well as customised skin cosmeceuticals.

How do I prepare for a pigment treatment?

A consult is required up to 4 weeks prior to some of the facial treatments as skin needs to be prepared for the treatment and our dermal therapist will provide you with the appropriate steps.  It is best to avoid sun exposure for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment and have no tanning products on areas to be treated.  To avoid the possibility of adverse events, pigment treatment is not performed on darker skin types. We have 3 doctors who perform skin checks and it is advised this be done prior to any pigment removal treatments in clinic.

Post treatment

If possible avoid any sun exposure to the treated area for a minimum of 48hrs, and maintaining sun compliance post treatment with the use of minimum 30+ sunscreen on treated areas for the next 2 weeks.

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