Medical termination, referred to as MTOP is a safe and effective method of terminating an early pregnancy, up to 9 weeks gestation, using medication rather than surgery and is a service offered by attending doctor, Dr Misha Datta.

Process and Costs charged by Dr Datta for MTOP:

Initial Appointment $145 Rebate $79.70  (30 mins)
a. Discuss options
b. Check eligibility
c. Exclude contraindications
d. Discuss risks, success rates, side effects
e. Organise tests as required

2nd Appointment $305 Rebate $79.70  (45 mins to an hour)
a. Confirm eligibility
b. Discuss test results
c. Discuss detailed instructions for how to administer medications
d. Discuss side effects
e. Discuss what to expect
f. Discuss safety net instructions
g. Discuss contraception options
h. Prescribe medications. ($30.00 from Priceline with a valid Medicare Card)
i. Pain Medications and Nausea Medication

3rd Follow up appointment Bulk Billed (15-30 mins)
a. Check completion of termination
b. Check for complications
c. Discuss & prescribe contraception

To Book simply call reception on 3802 0899 or use the link below or book now button above: